Cyber Verification

 Bobo and Holmes

Bobosoho has developed a unique cyber check to stop scamming, money fraud, false identity, making you think it is someone, in the meantime it is someone else behind the photo or video voice, or even false advertising selling you rental holiday homes or other or stealing your identity, degrading and insulting your name or your person. Thus stealing from you or playing with your emotions, check them out via bobo & holmes.

If you need a cyber verification urgently, after subscribing to the office pack you may contact us from within the user’s dedicated pack’s dashboard  and or contact us at [email protected] or call us on Skype – – once you are a office tools user.

Verification prices:

Once off verification 75€ €$£

Yearly subscription with 20 verifications 750€$£.

Physical verification an additional 450€$€ per subscription plus transport cost. (Here Bobosoho will send someone to meet the person or arrange a meeting. A transport cost quote will be given in detail prior.

Checking out a subject may save you substantial financial loss, disorder in your life or avoid avoid being scammed on any vacation or other reservation. It may also have a toll on you emotionally.

Help yourself and be sure before helping others of jumping onto what you think is the best deal. Bobo & Holmes is here to assist at reasonable prices. 

Note: To apply for a Bobo & Holmes verification test, first subscribe to a Bobosoho office tools pack by  clicking the buy tab above. The Bobosoho office pack includes WordsXtra, NotesXtra and 5 other software products that you may find useful. Why subscribing via the office pack, ” the main purpose is to secure the Bobo & Holmes verification process”  and ensuring incoming clients a secured environment to a Bobo & Holmes verification request.  The office inscription starts from 10.80$£€ for 1 user to 60£$€ for 12 users per year. This fee will be deducted from the Bobo & Holmes fee which starts from 75$€£

The Bobo & Holmes verification is an alpha application that is managed for security purposes solely by bobosoho, who will input the data provided and input data collected by the bobosoho team to ensure your verification process is exact.

The alpha application, was designed by bobosoho using alpha intelligence to ensure the data collected and verified on the subject you are checking is exact. For the security of the Bobo & Holmes cyber tool is vaulted, this means that only bobosoho cyber team will manage the process of a users data for verification of any subject. Thus ensuring scammers do not get to know the coded secrets of the application. As a client, once subscribed the team will contact you for the input on your subject and will reply within 24 to 48 hours. The subject could be a person, advertisement, company or any item or subject you wish to check before paying across small or large sums of money.

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